Sunday, 18 October 2009

Off preparing for NaNo

Sorry, haven't blogged regularly lately. But currently, I am focusing on outlining my book for NaNo challenge that begins in November. For those of you who may not know, it's National November Novel Writing Month. Thousands of crazy people, like me, sign up to write 50000 words from November 1 to November 30.

The rules are simple
You have to start a new project. You can't work on a half completed book, because the idea is to let your creativity flow, and not get bogged down by editing.

You can outline, but not writing anything before November. And that's it.

I am hoping to complete 80000 which would be a full length of a novel, so let's see how it goes.
So blogging might be bit slow until end of November.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

One of my favourite places in Bristol

(c)photo by D.G.

This is the beautiful central library. In Bristol almost every area has a local library, and even though these do provide good selection of books to borrow, they are not very good for sitting around. They are quite small and feel like one open room. I prefer libraries to be big, with lots of little rows to roam through, and tons of books all around me. That's what the central library is good for. And it's in one of the old buildings, so the architecture is gorgeous.